Business Processes

How to Start Documenting your Company Processes

By April 30, 2019 October 11th, 2023 No Comments

Without clearly documented processes, you are committing to experiencing recurring, day-to-day problems and frustrations in your business. These problems are both costly and detrimental to your success and yet are 100% AVOIDABLE.


But first, let’s talk about why businesses struggle to document their processes.


Let’s face it. Early days in your business is like something straight out of the movie ‘The Perfect Storm.’ You’re trying to navigate a massive storm, on board a small fishing vessel, and when you think you’ve survived the worst of it, you realize everything up until now has only been the prelude to the real deal, and you’re headed straight for the eye of the storm.


Image: Perfect Storm by Chris Clor


Needless to say, things are always changing in your business which makes it even more challenging to get something down on paper.


And with constant change comes the challenge of choosing where to focus your time and energy. Likely meaning documentation and finding better ways to train your employees haven’t even registered in your periphery of importance.


But what IF…


Your star employee suddenly ups and quit tomorrow?

Or worse, you suddenly became unable to work in your business due to illness.


Would your business continue to operate? Would your staff know what to do? If the answer is no, then now is the time to start documenting your processes. Now is the time to start building that blueprint for your business. So you can teach anyone how to run your business regardless of whether you are working in it day-to-day.


How to Start Documenting your Processes


Documenting your processes starts with:

  • Identifying what you do
  • Documenting how you do it


Identifying your day-to-day tasks and processes


Start by having you and your team list all the tasks they do:

  • every day
  • every week
  • every month
  • every quarter


If you think you may be missing some tasks, try reviewing your past calendar to jog your memory.


Next, compile yours and your team’s tasks in a spreadsheet, and identify who is responsible for each job. This exercise, otherwise known as a responsibility matrix, is meant to provide clarity on who exactly does what. Staff often miss or overlook things, not because they are lazy or are always forgetful but rather because they are unclear on who is responsible for what.


Documenting how you do it


Once you’ve determined WHO does WHAT, have each individual write out their process for completing their tasks.


When they’ve finished documenting have them share the document with the rest of the team either via Google Docs, Dropbox paper or whatever may be your preference, the point being the document must be ACCESSIBLE and EASY TO FIND for everyone.


Keeping your processes up to date


As I said earlier, change in your business is inevitable, meaning you’ll need to develop a process for keeping your documentation up to date.


Have your staff re-read their instructions and try to follow them as if for the first time. If anything is unclear or outdated, have them revise accordingly. To make it easier to communicate and track changes among staff consider utilizing software like Trainual. Software like Trainual allows you to store your company processes, create online quizzes and training material, as well as track staff progress as they work through the contents.