Business ProcessesManual Writing

Accessibility. Why it Matters When Drafting Procedures

By March 4, 2024 No Comments

When we analyze a document, we assess its accessibility. Accessibility, as a metric, refers to how easy it is for the average person to understand what we need them to understand.


Why it matters.

Did you know 80% of adults read at a grade 5 level? This means if you want people to understand or, more importantly, follow your procedures, you need to focus on writing them at a grade 5 level.


So, what exactly does that mean? It means don’t be fancy. Choose shorter words over longer words. For example, instead of using ‘exorbitant,’ use ‘costly. ‘


Putting Accessibility into Practice


Implementing accessibility into your procedure drafting isn’t just about ticking a box; it’s about ensuring your content truly serves its purpose. Let’s take a deeper dive into how you can make your procedures more accessible:


  • Use active voice: Active sentences are direct and easier to understand. For example, “The manager approves the request,” not “The request is approved by the manager.”
  • Avoid jargon and technical terms: Unless absolutely necessary, simplify your language. If you must use technical terms, explain them in plain language.
  • Be consistent: Use the same terms or phrases throughout your document to describe the same concepts or actions. This builds familiarity and understanding.


Tools for Assessing Your Document.

The Flesch reading ease score tells you how easy it is to understand your writing. A score of 60–70 is the ideal range.


You can use Grammarly (free version) to assess your writing, or if you’re using Microsoft Word, you can view your score under ‘Readability’.


The score is calculated based on sentence length and word length. Using smaller words and writing shorter sentences will make your writing more accessible.


Remember, the goal of your procedures is to guide behaviour efficiently and effectively. By prioritizing accessibility, you’re not just being considerate of your readers’ needs; you’re also ensuring that your procedures are as practical and useful as possible. Clarity is key whether you’re writing for a team of engineers or a group of volunteers. Keep it simple, keep it clear, and keep it accessible.